Mediocre is not good enough!

If you want to have an exceptional business; then you need to become exceptional! Beingmediocre is just not good enough. Think about it. Do you want to learn from someone or deal with someone that is “okay”or do you want …

Embrace Change

The only constant in life is that IT WILL CHANGE! Therefore, in my opinion, the best option would be to embrace it. Lots of people still seem to feel that they can either fight change or ignore change. However, in …

Setting Goals

If you have read any or all of my previous posts, you may be feeling positive but still may not be sure where and/or how to start. The first thing I would suggest is to take two blank pieces of …

Are you enthusiastic?

Do you (and your people) sincerely believe in your product or service? A good friend told me that when I wasn’t having fun anymore and I felt that what I was doing was a job; I needed to move on to something …

Take Care of Yourself

I see people fall into this trap all the time and I have fallen into the same trap myself on more than one occasion. Either we get caught up in the day-to-day activities or we put plans in place to …