I see people fall into this trap all the time and I have fallen into the same trap myself on more than one occasion. Either we get caught up in the day-to-day activities or we put plans in place to inspire staff and help others and in the process; totally forget about ourselves.
Some people all of a sudden get a wake-up call with something traumatic in their lives and others may never notice until they are much older and may even wish they had done things differently.
I am writing this article to remind you to take care of yourself first. That could include physically, emotionally and/or educationally. If you are not in the correct mindset, if you don’t have the physical stamina and/or you don’t have the focused direction and information to get to where you are going; then how can you help others around you to get there?
I challenge each of you; if you are not already doing it; try to take two hours a day for just you.
- Take one hour to relax and enjoy life – mentally relax from the day to day. Unwind and spend some quality time with you (and your family).
- Schedule another hour a day to improve yourself in some way – read a book, exercise or attend a training course.
I know that may sound impossible with everything going on in your life; but if you don’t take care of you now and every day; when will you have time?